September 13, 2024



Learning from the Philippines

The Philippines” 2006 election is the first time for Philippines to merge presidential election and parliamentary election. It is an important lesson for Indonesia which will hold the first presidential election and parliamentary election simultaneously in 2019. If mistaken, the …

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Effort in reinforcing Independence of Electoral Committee

The obligation of consultation that is binding in the creation of law attracts the Electoral Committee (KPU) to the political interest of the House of Representatives (DPR) and the government. KPU is ready to propose judicial review to the Constitutional …

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Related Articles To Position and Authority of KPU Chairman

The passing of chairman of the General Election Commission, Husni Kamil Manik means a vacant leadership institutionally and structurally. This absence also means emptiness of KPU commissioner. In Law Number 15 Year 2011 concerning General Election Organizer lists an explanation …

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Replacement Intertemporal of KPU Commissioners

The passing of KPU commissioner is a requirement of interim replacement. Law No. 15 of 2011 on General Election Organizer reads requirements of interim replacement of KPU commissioners.  The Law also caters ordinances of replacement. “Under the law, Hasyim Asyari …

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The Election of The Chief of Electoral Committee by Six Members

Electoral Committee (KPU) has already recruited a substitute for the deceased Husni Kamil Malik. Juri Ardiantoro was chosen through discussion and voting. Some people assessed that this quick act is due to the starting of 2017 Local Elections in August. …

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August Mellaz: Parallel Electoral System Not Relevant

The election system that will be used in the upcoming 2019 Elections is getting more concrete. The Ministry of Home Affairs has issued 13 strategic issues in the codification of the Presidential Election Law, Legislative Election Law, and the Election …

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