September 13, 2024



Three Things That Still Need to Be Improved for the Jakarta’s Local Election Second Round

Problems in the voting process during the first round of Jakarta’s Local Election should never be repeated in the second round. Many people demand The Election Commission (KPU) of Jakarta to evaluate and improve three aspects of its performance: preparation …

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Money Politics Is Still Dominant

Indonesia’s 2017 Local Elections is still very much infested with money politics violations. The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) finds 78 electoral violations where 36 percent of them are money politics-related. “Majority of penal violations in local elections are …

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On Conflicts in Papua and West Papua Local Elections of 2017

A staff from the Monitoring Division of the Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu), Abdul Gofur, during a public discussion titled “Violent Cases in 2017 Local Elections in Special Areas” says that the government need to put more attention to the implementation …

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The Dynamics of Violent Conflicts in Aceh’s 2017 Local Elections

Mainstream national media have almost forgotten about local elections in Aceh Province, even though Aceh, alongside with West Papua, is two of many electoral areas with high Election Susceptibility-to-Violence Index (IKP). There are many physical violence cases in Aceh. According …

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Blocking Seat for Gender Affirmative Policy

During a hearing session regarding the new elections law bill at the House of Representatives, a member of the Special Committee for the new Elections Law Bill from the People’s Conscience Party (Hanura), Rufinus Hutauruk, proposes to the members of …

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MPI: Political Party That Fails to Fulfill the 30 Percent Quota for Women Should Be Disqualified

Go Forward Indonesian Women (MPI) proposes the government to establish a regulation to disqualify any political party that fails to fulfill the 30 percent quota for women from its participation in election in the electoral area. This regulation, according to …

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