September 13, 2024



Female Legislative Should Be Replaced by Other Female Politician

Women’s Voice Empowerment Movement (GPSP) and Go Forward Indonesian Women (MPI) propose a recommendation to the Special Committee for the new Elections Law Bill to include a provision that oblige political party to replace a resigned female parliament member with …

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Negative Campaign During Quiet Period Might Increase

The National Coordinator of the Voters Education for the People Network (JPPR), Masykuruddin Hafidz, says during a press conference regarding “Anticipation for Quiet Period and Voting Day Preparation” says that negative campaign during quier period might increase. According to past …

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Perludem: e-Voting and e-Counting Are Not Simple Matters

The Chief Deputy of Commission II of Parliament, Muhammad Lukman Edy, says that members of Commission II will ask candidates of the new members of Election Commission (KPU) and Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu) about their commitment to implement e-voting for …

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KPPA Recommends Parliament to Revoke the Requirement for Female Candidate to Resign from State-Funded Company

The Ministry of Women Empowerment and Children Protection (KPPA) recommends the Special Committee (Pansus) for the Elections Law Bill to revoke the provision in the current Elections Law that requires female candidate in election to resign from their job at …

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Three Breakthroughs by Bawaslu Under the Leadership of Muhammad

When interrogated by members of the Special Team for the Selection Process of New Election Commission (KPU) Members, a candidate named Muhammad who is also the current Chairperson of the Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu) explains three major breakthrough he made …

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Selecting New Electoral Regulators with Integrity

The Special Team for the Selection Process of New Members of EMBs (Election Management Bodies) is looking for candidates who are able to translate the electoral laws into concrete technical regulations. The Special Team which was formed by President has …

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Positive and Negative Notes on the Interview Process of Candidates in Bawaslu Members Selection Process

The interview of 22 candidates in the selection process for Bawaslu new members focused on integrity, independence, and knowledge of the candidates on election technology. There is not much new ideas come from the candidates. There are twenty two candidates …

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Chairperson of KPU of West Kalimantan Disagree with Mandatory Consultation Regulation

During an interview session in the selection process for new members of the Election Commission (KPU) in Jakarta (01/23), the current Chairperson of KPU of West Kalimantan, Umi Rifdiyawati, expresses her disagreement with the regulation which mandates KPU to conduct …

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Presidential Threshold Is An Anomaly for Presidential System

Senior researcher from the Indonesia Science Institute (LIPI), Syamsudin Haris, says, the presidential threshold as implemented in Indonesia today is an anomaly for presidential government system. Syamsudin explains, the presidential threshold is implemented due to scheduling error between presidential election …

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