September 13, 2024



The Chairperson of the Special Team for the New Elections Bill: Legal Punishment Needs to Be Increased

The Chairperson of the Special Team for the new Elections Bill, Muhammad Lukman Edy, says that all political parties in the Parliament agree that legal punishment for violator of electoral regulation needs to be increased. Most politicians think the current …

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Eight Candidates for Bawaslu Members Undergo First-Day Interview

Eight candidates for the selection of the new members of the Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu) undergo the first-day interview with the Special Team for the Selection of the New Members of Bawaslu today. Those eight candidates are: Sapto Supono, Saiful, …

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Integrity, Independence, and Election Technology Are Under Scrutiny

Integrity, independence, and election technology become three main focus during the interview process of the selection for the new Election Monitoring Body members. Members of the Special Team for the Selection relentlessly grill all the candidates with questions regarding their …

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Districting Needs to Consider the Size of Region

The delimitation process of an electoral area (or districting) needs to consider the size of the region, besides total of population. This is because, in Indonesia, there are many vast regions with only small number of population, while the size …

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Ida Budhiati: Political Party Plays Key Role in Preventing Criminal Convicts to Participate in Elections As Candidate

There are many candidates with a status of criminal convict in the 2017 Local Elections. Most of them are dealing with corruption allegation. For example, there is Ahmad Marzuki, the incumbent candidate for the race of Jepara regent position, who …

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This Is What the Experts Say About the Implementation of e-Technology for Indonesian Elections

Technology experts from the Ministry of Communication and Information (Kominfo), PT. INTI, the Body for Technology Review and Implementation (BPPT), and Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) are present during a hearing session to discuss the content of the new Elections …

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The Requirement for Political Party Participation in Election Is Too Expensive and Difficult

The Joint Secretariat for the Elections Law Codification Initiative (Sekber Kodifikasi) criticizes the requirement for political party to be able to participate in elections as contained in the Law No.8/2012. The requirement is deemed too expensive and difficult. Sekber Kodifikasi …

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