September 13, 2024



Avoiding Monopoly to Reduce Single Candidacy

In the upcoming 2017 Local Elections, there are six electoral areas with only one candidate for voters to choose. Single candidacy, according to the Local Elections Law No.10/2016, is permissible. However, single candidacy indicates a bigger problem, that is unequal …

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Measuring the Fairness of Seats Allocation

The conversion process of votes into parliamentary seats has become a recurring debate in Indonesia. Many election activists insist the Government should implement a conversion system that can maximize representation proportionality so that the election result is fair. In order …

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Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati: The Preconditions for Open-List Proportional System Has Not Been Fulfilled

Indonesia has been implemented open-list proportional system in three elections: 2004, 2009, and 2014. In 2004, the system was half-open, while in 2009 and 2014 was fully open-list. The high percentage of voters and valid votes show that the system …

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Without 30 Percent Woman Representation in Parliament, Political Party Is Prohibited to Participate in Election

In the Bill for the new Election Law, the Government reintroduce the 30% minimum woman representation as a requirement for political party to be able to participate in legislative election. Political party is prohibited to participate if they have less …

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Being a Master in Papua Land

Term of “indigenous Papuans” prompts to not only apply to candidates for Governor and Deputy Governor of Papua. Candidates of regent and deputy regent as well as mayor and deputy mayor should apply the same principle. Provision of “indigenous Papuans” …

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