September 13, 2024



How to Choose Check My Paper for Plagiarism Free

How to Choose Check My Paper for Plagiarism Free An excellent report that is authorship is no more than a job for students from a long period however employing a aid write up readily. The most significant relevance of a …

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The One Strategy You Should Be Using for Check for Plagiarism Free

The One Strategy You Should Be Using for Check for Plagiarism Free Using Plagiarism Detector is necessary for safeguarding your content isn’t acceptable by the Google. It provides the precise and precise results, acquiring out of the test that isn’t …

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Bawaslu Now Has Broader Authority, Perludem: Be Careful!

The Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu) has broader authority for enforcing regulations in the upcoming Concurrent Elections of 2019. The broad authority is not only given to the central Bawaslu, but also to all its subsidiaries in regencies/municipalities. Bawaslu at regency/municipality …

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Pramono Ubaid: Article 195 Paragraph (2) of Law 7/2017 is A Regression for Indonesian Elections

A member of the Elections Commission (KPU), Pramono Ubaid, says that the limited mandates and authorities provided by the government for KPU in the Elections Law have limited KPU’s options to perform their duties. For example, Article 195 paragraph (2) …

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Government Decided to Increase Financial Subsidy for Political Party by almost 1,000 Percent

Government has agreed to increase the subsidy for political party in the National Government Budget (APBN) and the Regional Government Budget (APBD). Starting in 2018, political party will receive Rp. 1,000 of political subsidy for every vote they get in …

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Pemilu Jangan Sering-Sering

Pilkada Jakarta 2017 menyisakan banyak perasaan tidak enak. Dimulai ketika Ahok “terpeleset lidah” menyebut-nyebut surat Al Maidah ayat 51. Umat Islam tersinggung, lalu marah-marah, sampai sekarang. Kontestasi pemilu Jakarta kemudian diwarnai sentimen ras dan agama yang sengit. Bahkan ketika Ahok …

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