September 13, 2024



Aceh Institute Demands More Independence for KIP and Bawaslu

Aceh Institute demands more independence for Aceh’s Election Commission (KIP) and the Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu) in the Elections Law. Other than demanding a transfer of authority in managing the election from the Aceh’s Parliament (DPRA) to KIP, Aceh Institute …

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A Comparison of Requirements for Political Party in Elections of 1999 to 2014: The Requirement is Getting Stricter

In the light of the recent discussion on the legal requirement for political party to be able to participate in election that will be contained in the new Elections Law Bill, we would like to provide a glimpse of comparison …

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Members of KPU at Regency/Municipality Level Receive Sanctions the Most from DKPP

Members of the Elections Commission (KPU) at regency/municipality level receive the most sanctions from the Election Management Bodies Ethical Council (DKPP). That is the bottomline of the analysis study conducted by the Center for Political Studies (Puskapol) of University of …

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Banten’s Local Election: An Evaluation

Voters turnout in Banten’s Provincial Election of 2017 has been increasing compared to previous provincial election, but it’s not quite high enough. Many voters find the local election in Banten uninteresting because the elected officials always come from a family …

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Refly Harun: If We Really Want Free and Fair Elections, the Elections Law Should Not be Made by the Government

A member of the Association of Professors on Constitutional and Administrative Law (APHTN-HAN), Refly Harun, says that if we really want free and fair elections, then we should never let the government and the parliament write the Elections Law for …

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The Pyramid of EMBs’ Responsibility: KPU at Regency/Municipality Has the Biggest Responsibility

Elections management bodies (EMBs), especially the Election Commission (KPU), have a responsibility allocation scheme that represents a pyramid. KPU at regency/municipality level has the biggest responsibility compared to KPU at province and national level. In the context of concurrent elections, …

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Discussions for the New Elections Law Bill Were Conducted in a Closed-Meeting, Why’s So Secretive?

The discussion processes for the new Elections Law Bill were conducted in closed and exclusive meetings. Discussions regarding new Elections Law in the past were always accessible for the public. For example, journalists are used to be allowed to cover …

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KPU Will Implement Sustainable Updating System for Voters List

The National Election Commission (KPU RI) conducted a Focus Group Discussion (FGD) to discuss about the updating system for Voters’ List with members of KPU from all over Indonesia, election activists, and election experts (05/05). During the FGD, KPU RI …

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The Majority of Violation Reports in 2017 Local Elections Come from Candidates’ Campaign Team

Public participation in monitoring and reporting electoral violations in 2017 Local Elections is still low. According to the data published by the Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu), the quality and the quantity of report from the public is still below expectation. …

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