September 13, 2024

Liputan Khusus

Khoirunnisa Nur Agustyati: The Preconditions for Open-List Proportional System Has Not Been Fulfilled

Indonesia has been implemented open-list proportional system in three elections: 2004, 2009, and 2014. In 2004, the system was half-open, while in 2009 and 2014 was fully open-list. The high percentage of voters and valid votes show that the system …

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Without 30 Percent Woman Representation in Parliament, Political Party Is Prohibited to Participate in Election

In the Bill for the new Election Law, the Government reintroduce the 30% minimum woman representation as a requirement for political party to be able to participate in legislative election. Political party is prohibited to participate if they have less …

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Konsolidasi UU Pemilu yang Demokratis

Pemilu sebagai syarat pemerintahan demokrasi harus disertakan kata “demokratis” untuk memang menjamin “dari, oleh, dan untuk rakyat”. (Rancangan) undang-undang pemilu bukan saja dimulai dengan merumuskan tapi juga mengkonsolidasikan para pihak yang mewakili masyarakat sipil: rakyat, pemilik kedaulatan. Menentukan wakil-wakil rakyat …

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Democratization of the Public Sector

Early in 2016 the Asean Economic Community (AEC/MEA) has been implemented. This AEC implementation brings about Indonesian existence in Southeast Asia, especially in the political field. Although it is dynamic, this sector gives effects to other sectors. The dynamics of …

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The Dilemma of Political Parties Coalition

The phenomenon that drove political parties into government coalition needs to be carefully examined; our concerns are not of big and transactional politics in the government, but on the weakening of opposition parties in parliament. Maybe this time we know …

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Who Owns Regional Elections?

Second batch of simultaneous regional elections will begin its stages in months. Approximately 101 areas consisted of 7 provinces and 92 regencies/cities will conduct a celebration of democracy in February 2017. At this time KPU RI is conducting an evaluation …

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