March 11, 2025

TPS Location May Increase Voters Participation

Location of Polling Stations (TPS) may increase the participation of voters in elections. Therefore, the Election Commission (KPU) have to be careful in determining where the want to place the TPSs.

“If voters are living on the west side of train track, then don’t set up TPS on the east side of the train track. This might prevent them to go to TPS to vote. KPU also have to set up TPS in a large area so it would not be a problem for voters with disability,” says the Chairman of KPU of South Jakarta, Muhammad Iqbal, during a KPU plenary meeting in Jakarta (11/01).

Iqbal then says, KPU have to do what it takes to increase voters participation. One way to do that is by involving community leaders or public figures to conduct a more intense and inclusive dissemination. KPU may also want to place TPS in strategic location and allow the campaign team of every candidate to provide political education to voters.

“All of those are necessary to increase voters participation. KPU has set a high target regarding voters participation in the 2017 Local Elections,” says Iqbal.

KPU expects 77.5 percent of voters turn out in the upcoming local elections.