September 13, 2024



Electoral College Bukan Gerrymandering

Di dalam artikelnya yang berjudul Electoral College = Gerrymandering?, Usep Hasan Sadikin menjabarkan keberatannya terhadap sistem Electoral College (EC) yang diterapkan di dalam pemilihan presiden di Amerika Serikat (AS). Keberatan Usep terhadap sistem EC dapat kita ringkas ke dalam tiga …

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KPU: Political Party Should Submit Their Financial Statement Before Election

The recommendation from the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) and the Parliament to increase financial subsidy to political party has received positive response from the Election Commission (KPU). However, KPU asserts that the subsidy should be accompanied with a regulation to …

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The New Election Law Bill Should Clarify DPD Position

The position of the Lower House of Parliament (DPD) should be clarify in the new Election Law Bill. DPD should have possess clearer mandate regarding how they should do their job because DPD is responsible to propose bills regarding local …

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Julia Ikasarana: The Selection Committee for EMB Members Has to Fulfill the 30% Woman Quota

The number of women participate in the selection process of the election management bodies (EMBs) members is still low. There is only 28 percent of total registrant for the selection of the Election Commission (KPU) and Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu) …

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Government: Limited-Open Proportional System Is to Strengthen Political Party

According to the new Election Law Bill proposed by the Government, the Government will implement an election system called limited-open proportional system for the upcoming national elections. Many election activists object to the proposal because they think the limited-open system …

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Bawaslu, KPU, and KPU Strengthen the Law Enforcement on Election Broadcasting Violations

The Election Commission (KPU), Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu), and Indonesia Broadcasting Commission (KPI) sign a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) to integrate their authority to enforce the law regarding broadcasting activity during elections. “I hope every stakeholder will use mass media …

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Two Recommendation from Perludem Regarding the Districting Provisions in the Election Law Bill

The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem) recommends two things regarding the districting process in the Election Law Bill. The first recommendation is to let the Election Commission (KPU) to do the districting for the national legislative (DPR) elections. “We …

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