October 28, 2024

Indonesian Animal Party

Perhaps in Indonesia, there needs to be stronger policies and advocacy regarding animal protection. One way to overcome this problem is to form a special political party that focuses on animal protection issues. Animal parties can be a forum for advocating policies that support animal welfare, involving the public in environmental protection, and ensuring strict law enforcement against perpetrators of animal exploitation.

Honestly, I’m angry when I see a lot of news about animal exploitation. Most recently, there have been elephants in Tesso Nilo National Park (TNTN), Riau. This large mammal named Rahman died allegedly as a result of irresponsible human exploitation due to poaching for elephant ivory.

Conditions like Rahman’s are indeed very sad and concerning. Sometimes human cruelty exceeds that of animals. Animal exploitation, especially involving protected species such as elephants, is a serious threat to environmental sustainability and biodiversity.

Not only that, in this day and age, there are also many social media influencers who proudly care for wild animals. In fact, it is not uncommon for many people to think that this is just animal exploitation under the guise of animal conservation. Not even for education, but looks more like exploitation.

Animal Parties in Other Countries

We can see animal parties in other countries. Among them is the Netherlands, which has an animal party called Partij voor de Dieren (PvdD), or in Indonesian, Party for Animals. This party claims to be the first party in the world that is successful without prioritizing short-term human interests but focuses more on the welfare of the planet and all the creatures that inhabit it.

Apart from the Netherlands, animal parties are present in many countries under various names. There is an Animal Justice Party in Australia. Animal Party Cyprus is in Cyprus. Animal Protection Party of Canada in Canada. There is the Animal Welfare Party in the United Kingdom. There’s DierAnimal for Belgium. Djurens Party in Sweden. The Animal Justice Party of Finland (EOP) is in Finland. Greek Party for the Animals in Greece. There is PACMA in Spain. Pessoas-Animais-Natureza (PAN), Portugal. There is an animalist party in France. Partido ANIMAIS in Brazil. Party for Animal Welfare, Ireland. There is PONA in the Maldives. The Humane Party in the United States. There is a Tierpartei Schweiz in Switzerland. Tierschutzpartei in Deutschland There is a vegan party in Denmark.

In the future, if there is an animal party in Indonesia, it is hoped that there will be representatives who specifically fight for animal rights and needs at the legislative level. The government can also work together with non-governmental organizations (NGOs) and civil society to develop more effective and responsible policies regarding animal protection.

The Importance of Caring for Animals

Parties have a role that is not only limited to human issues but should also care about animal welfare because this can maintain the balance of the ecosystem. Public policies that focus on animal protection and welfare reflect the moral and ethical responsibilities of a society.

Parties can play an important role in advocating the need for animal protection through legislation that regulates animal rights, ending cruel practices against animals, and supporting wildlife conservation efforts. By including this issue in its platform, the party not only shows commitment to human values but also upholds the value of a balanced ecosystem.

Support for animal welfare can gain widespread sympathy and support from the public, which is increasingly aware of the importance of maintaining harmony between humans and nature. Not only humans, but animals also have rights. Animal rights are an ethical principle that affirms that animals also have basic rights that humans must respect and protect. Giving rights to animals means recognizing that animals have important values and rights that should not be ignored.

The Universal Declaration of Animal Rights was proclaimed by UNESCO on October 15, 1978, in Paris. Its contents affirm the basic rights of all animals. The important points of this declaration include: all animals have the right to life and to live with dignity; animals must be respected; humans must not deprive animals of their rights or exploit them; all animals deserve human attention, care, and protection; and more.

This declaration aims to protect animal rights and raise awareness of the need for animal protection throughout the world. In the declaration, there are also five animal rights: freedom from hunger and thirst; freedom from discomfort, abuse, and abuse; freedom from pain, injury, and disease; freedom from fear and stress; and freedom to freely express natural behavior.

Caring about animals has an important impact in various aspects, from moral, ethical, environmental, and social. Animal welfare needs to be prioritized. This is part of animal rights, which is an important aspect of human moral and ethical obligations.

As stronger and more morally aware creatures, humans have a responsibility to protect other living creatures on this planet, including animals. This is part of human moral responsibility. The goal is to treat other creatures with justice, compassion, and empathy.

Cruel treatment of animals, such as destructive illegal capture or inhumane treatment in the livestock industry, causes suffering. Therefore, making the protection of animal rights a priority is an important step in maintaining our moral and ethical integrity. In addition, the fight for animal rights also has a wider impact.

This creates respect for biodiversity and maintains ecosystem balance. In turn, all have a positive impact on human health. Animal protection also drives innovation in better animal management, which helps create more humane and sustainable technologies and practices.

Apart from that, public education is also very important. The aim is to increase awareness of the importance of maintaining environmental sustainability and animal life. Thus, changes in community behavior can help reduce animal exploitation and care for the natural environment.

Hopefully, we can create an environment that is more sustainable and friendly to all living creatures, including animals. Generally, animals cannot defend themselves from the threat of exploitation by irresponsible humans.

It is important to remember that protecting animal rights is not just a matter of morality, but also has a broad impact on other aspects of life. By maintaining ecosystem balance and reducing animal exploitation, we also invest in the sustainability of the planet. []


Student at the Faculty of Law, Semarang State University