March 11, 2025

JagaSuara Finds Hundreds of Unuploaded Election Documents in Sirekap

The JagaSuara 2024 crowdsourcing platform found that 854 sub-districts and 27 districts/cities in 2 provinces had not published D. Results on the Election Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap). Even though the national vote recapitulation process was completed on March 20, JagaSuara considered this to be a failure of the General Election Commission (KPU) in terms of information disclosure.

“Our KPU has a transparency emergency because it failed to publish the full D. results,” said JagaSuara activist Kholilullah Pasaribu when contacted on Friday (March 22).

JagaSuara also found 174 thousand C. The results of the Presidential and Vice Presidential Elections (PPWP) had not been published when the KPU determined the results of the 2024 national election. In fact, the KPU should complete it before the sub-district recapitulation is complete so that the public and election participants have comparative data when the recapitulation takes place. According to Kholil, the publication of election forms is important as comparison material for the public and election participants during the recapitulation process. He compared it with the 2019 election; information about the results until the determination of the national election reached 92.22%, while in the 2024 election only 78.79% was published in Sirekap.

Based on JagaSuara’s findings, not all C.Results documents are uploaded to Sirekap, but there are also C.Results copies. In fact, C. Copy results have the potential to be manipulated, and the data is incorrect because, in the process, the public cannot monitor it directly.

“The documents uploaded are not complete; some are just graphs, not even C. Results. “A lot of the data we found did not match the number of voting rights users with valid ballot papers, so the data was a mess,” he explained.

Based on JagaSuara’s analysis, his party said that so far they had not found any potential fraud; he said there were no particular patterns for winning one of the election participants. Most of the cases found were technical errors in the input of the Voting Organizing Group (KPPS). On that basis, JagaSuara regrets the KPU’s unprofessional actions by limiting the information needed by the public.

“Even though Sirekap’s budget is very large, in the end, the KPU’s ability is only to provide photos of the results.”” Even though Sirekap has been integrated as a tool,” he added.

Kholil suspects that the problem was also caused by the tiered recapitulation not being properly supervised by the General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). As a result, even though KPU regulations require the lowest level to upload C. results, until the results are recapitulated in districts, cities, and provinces, D. results are not uploaded to Sirekap.

“Until the national decision is made, the public really can’t control this at all,” he concluded. []