October 15, 2024

The Chairman of the Indonesian KPU has received the last 2 strong warnings from the DKPP

Rumahpemilu.org conducted an investigation into the decision of the Election Organizer Honorary Council (DKPP) regarding the chairman and members of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU) for the 2022–2027 period. From this investigation, it is known that the Chairman of the Indonesian KPU, Hasyim Asy’ari, has received the last two strong warnings, two strong warnings, and three warnings.

The first final harsh warning sanction against Hasyim Asy’ari was given by the DKPP in decisions No. 135-PKE-DKPP/XII/2023, No. 136-PKE-DKPP/XII/2023, No. 137-PKE-DKPP/XII/2023, and No. 141-PKE-DKPP/19 of 2023 concerning the nomination of participants in the general election for president and vice president, and no changes have been made in accordance with Constitutional Court Decision No. 90/PUU-XXI/2023.

“DKPP is of the opinion that we should impose heavier sanctions for the responsibilities of the position held.” This is in accordance with the provisions in Article 11 paragraph (1) letter b of the Election Law that the Chairman of the KPU has the duty to act for and on behalf of the KPU externally and internally.”

The second final harsh warning sanction was given for the lawsuit by Hasnaeni, General Chair of the Republic One Party, who complained about sexual harassment by Hasyim Asy’ari. On Verdict No. 35-PKE-DKPP/II/2023 and No. 39-PKE-DKPP/II/2023, DKPP stated that it was not convinced by the occurrence of cases of sexual harassment; however, DKPP considered that Hasyim violated professional principles by carrying out inappropriate communications with candidate election participants, thereby tarnishing the honor of the election organizing institution.

“The conversation between Complainant II and Defendant shows personal closeness and is not a conversation between the Chair of the KPU and the Chair of a Political Party related to electoral interests.” Based on the description of the facts above, the DKPP assesses that Teradu’s actions as an election organizer were proven to have violated professional principles by carrying out inappropriate communications with prospective election participants, thereby tarnishing the honor of the election organizing institution.”

Meanwhile, Hasyim received two strong warning sanctions for Decision No. 16-PKE-DKPP/I/2024, which was complained about by Irman Gusman, and Decision No. 110-PKE-DKPP/IX/2023 for the actions of the Indonesian KPU, which did not comply with the Court’s decision. Agung regarding women’s representation of at least 30 percent with rounding up in the list of candidates.

DKPP gave warning sanctions for Decisions No. 11-PKE-DKPP/I/2024, No. 4-PKE-DKPP/I/2024, and No. 14-PKE-DKPP/II/2023. Decision No. 11 is related to the case of the Indonesian KPU, which was not careful in appointing members of the selection team (timsel) for members of the Cianjur Regency KPU, Sukabumi Regency KPU, Depok City KPU, and Sukabumi City KPU, West Java Province, for the period 2023–2028. One member of South Timor, named Mohammad Arqon, was proven to have had the status of a legislative candidate from the National Mandate Party (PAN) in the Jambi City 5 electoral district number 3 in the 2019 election. Meanwhile, Decision No. 4 related to the leak of voters’ personal data in the Voter Data Information System (Sidalih) and Decision No. 14 regarding the statement submitted by Hasyim that the 2024 election may implement a closed proportional election system. []