March 10, 2025

KPU Acknowledges Mistake in Sirekap Data Conversion

The General Election Commission (KPU) responds to the discrepancy in data between the C forms containing the vote tally and the Vote Recapitulation Information System (Sirekap). The KPU acknowledges that there was an error in vote conversion and will rectify it as soon as possible. KPU Chair Hasyim Asy’ari asserts that this was not intentional but rather a system error in the conversion process.

“We at the national KPU, through the existing system, have monitored wherever there are discrepancies between the uploaded C forms and their conversions. We are aware of this and will correct it as soon as possible,” said Hasyim during a press conference at the KPU office in Central Jakarta (2/15).

Hasyim stated that Sirekap would detect if there were indeed conversion errors. He mentioned that a total of 2,325 polling stations (TPS) experienced incorrect conversions. His team will rectify any wrong totals or written errors through a hierarchical recapitulation mechanism from the district level up to the Central KPU, and the results will be uploaded into the Sirekap system. With this scheme, he believes that the public can periodically check for updates.

“We will continue to publish the C Form results continuously so that the public remains informed until the end of the counting process,” he said.

Hasyim explained that the KPU uploads original photos of the C Form plano on Sirekap to serve as a direct monitoring source for the public. Because the photos uploaded directly by the Polling Station Officer Groups (KPPS) are authentic and can be monitored and witnessed collectively. Hasyim also emphasized that the KPU will continue to use Sirekap. As of February 15, 2024, at 3:50 PM WIB, Hasyim stated that Sirekap publications had been uploaded for 358,775 polling stations out of a total of 823,236 polling stations, which is 43.58%.

“We should be grateful that there is Sirekap which can upload it, and then the results of the vote counting at the polling stations can be known to the public. So there is nothing hidden, nothing kept secret, but everything we publish as it is,” he explained.

Meanwhile, the Chair of the Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu), Rahmat Bagja, emphasized that the KPU’s Sirekap is not the determinant of the 2024 Election results. According to him, based on the Election Law, the election results are still determined through the manual recapitulation process. He also mentioned that Bawaslu is currently examining issues related to Sirekap, which are being discussed by the public. []

Translated by Catherine Natalia