October 28, 2024



Prebunking is Considered Important to Prevent the Impact of Disinformation in Regional Elections

Preventing disinformation through prebunking or vaccinating disinformation to the public is considered by the Indonesian Anti-Defamation Society (Mafindo) as a crucial step that needs to be taken early on. Just like how vaccines work in the medical world, prebunking is …

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The Parties have Prepared a Number of Steps to Handle Hoaxes

Ahead of the simultaneous regional head elections (Pilkada) in all regions in September 2024, the General Election Supervisory Body (Bawaslu) is preparing a regional election vulnerability index to anticipate conflict in society. One of the issues identified as vulnerable is …

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The Potential for Hoaxes in the 2024 Regional Elections is Predicted to be High

Gajah Mada University political communications observer, Nyarwi Ahmad, predicts that there will be a lot of hoaxes in the 2024 Simultaneous Regional Elections circulating. Simultaneous regional elections are held in all districts/cities and provinces in Indonesia, or as many as …

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Gangguan Informasi Pemilu 2024 dan Antisipasi Pilkada Serentak

Jelang Pemilihan Kepala Daerah (Pilkada) Serentak 2024 gangguan informasi pemilu diprediksi bakal kembali meningkat. Berbeda dengan Pilpres, gangguan informasi di Pilkada memiliki kekhasan masing-masing daerah. Masyarakat Antifitnah Indonesia (Mafindo) mencatat sejak 2018 hingga 2023 disinformasi terkait politik terus meningkat, terutama …

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KPU will follow up on the Supreme Court’s Decision Regarding the Minimum Age for Inauguration

Member of the Indonesian General Election Commission (KPU), Idham Holik stated that the KPU will follow up on the Supreme Court (MA) Decision No.23P/HUM/2024, by amending the KPU Regulations (PKPU) regarding the Registration of Prospective Candidate Pairs in the Regional …

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MK Grants Lawsuit regarding Women’s Representation and Orders PSU

The Constitutional Court granted the Prosperous Justice Party’s (PKS) request in the 2024 legislative election results dispute (PHPU) trial regarding women’s representation of at least 30 percent. The Constitutional Court ordered the General Election Commission (KPU) to conduct a re-voting …

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MK Kabulkan Gugatan soal Keterwakilan Perempuan dan Perintahkan PSU

Mahkamah Konstitusi mengabulkan permohonan Partai Keadilan Sejahtera (PKS) dalam sidang perselisihan hasil pemilu (PHPU) Pileg 2024 terkait keterwakilan perempuan minimal 30 persen. MK memerintahkan Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) melakukan pemungutan suara ulang (PSU) di Dapil Gorontalo 6, karena partai politik …

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ANFREL Highlights Abuse of State Resources in the 2024 Election

The Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL), together with the Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), the Voter Education Network for the People (JPPR), and the Independent Election Monitoring Committee (KIPP), released the final international monitoring report on the 2024 …

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ANFREL Soroti Penyalahgunaan Sumber Negara di Pemilu 2024

The Asian Network for Free Elections (ANFREL) bersama Perkumpulan untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi (Perludem), Jaringan Pendidikan Pemilih untuk Rakyat (JPPR), dan Komite Independen Pemantau Pemilu (KIPP) merilis laporan akhir pemantauan internasional pada Pemilu 2024. Mereka mencatat penyalahgunaan sumber negara menjadi …

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