September 13, 2024

Liputan Khusus

Bawaslu: The Government Should Make Panwaslu in Regency/Municipality Permanent Bodies

During a plenary meeting session with the Special Committee for the new Elections Law Bill, the Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu) asks the Government to make Election Monitoring Committees (Panwaslu) at the regency/municipality level permanent bodies as mandated in the Bill. …

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Silver Open Government Award: Buah Sinergi Masyarakat Sipil dan KPU

Perkumpulan untuk Pemilu dan Demokrasi (Perludem) meraih Silver Award (Tempat Kedua) dalam “The Open Government Awards” yang berlangsung di Paris, Perancis (7/12). Application Programming Interface Pemilu (API Pemilu) yang diinisiasi Perludem dinilai telah mendorong Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) membuka data …

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API Pemilu Toward The Smart Election

This book is an effort to record the process and achievements that have been obtained by Perludem through the API Election program. The author, Harun Husein, summarizes and explains the experience obtained from the implementation of the program, so it …

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Dinamika Pansus RUU Pemilu

Pada rapat Panitia khusus (Pansus) Rancangan Undang-Undang (RUU) Pemilu yang diselenggarakan pada 30 November 2016 lalu, mulai terlihat kepentingan beberapa fraksi di Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) terhadap RUU Pemilu. Mayoritas menyasar pengaturan mengenai sistem pemilu legislatif, metode pemberian suara di …

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Special Committee Only Has So Little Time to Discuss the Political Party Law, MD3 Law, and Election Law

The Parliament’s Special Committee for the discussion of the law Bill on Political Party; on the People’s Consultative Assembly (MPR), House of Representatives (DPR), Regional Parliament (DPRD), and Lower House of Parliament (DPD) or more familiarly known as MD3 Law; …

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This is the Women Affirmative Policy Proposed by PPP

During the plenary meeting of the Special Committee for the new Election Law Bill, the Unity Development Party (PPP) proposes that the government should improve affirmative policy for women. This is because the previous affirmative policy is deemed unsuccessful in …

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