September 13, 2024


Frequently Questioned Election Surveys

Long before the voting day, the 2024 elections seem to have already known their winner. This reminds us of Dr. G T Ng, a speaker at the international seminar “Presentation at the General Conference Annual Council 2019” on October 15, …

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Public Offices and Discrimination Against the Youth

There’s nothing wrong with youth participating in politics. However, it becomes dangerous when they can control the state apparatus to legitimize their entry into the competition arena. This is dangerous because it reflects the characteristics of the New Order that …

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Challenges and Efforts for Youth Involvement in Politics

“The engagement of young minds in political discourse is the catalyst for societal transformation and a testament to the perpetual renewal of democratic ideals.” Various studies show that the participation rate of young voters tends to be lower than that …

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Deliberative Campaign in Educational Institutions

Campaigning is an integral part of elections. However, not all public space can be taken as campaign sites, which include educational institutions. However, recently, political campaigns at educational institutions have been permitted. Historically, in Indonesia, the ban on campaigning in …

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Electoral Feminism

If no one could vote for a member of parliament who was fit to be a candidate, the government would indeed be a narrow oligarchy. (JOHN STUART MILL, “The Subjection of Women”) Electoral feminism is a paradigm of gender-based equality …

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Is Our Election Cheap or Expensive?

The preliminary process for the 2018 Concurrent Local Elections has begun. One of the issue we need to focus on in regards with the election process is the election budget. The question whether election in our country is cheap or …

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The Paradox of Concurrent Elections in Indonesia

Concurrent elections is implemented so that we can have a more effective presidential system. However, the implementation of concurrent elections in Indonesia might become a paradox if we put it in the context of Indonesian election system as specified in …

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