September 13, 2024

Liputan Khusus

KPU Officially Inaugurates Operation Room

On the last day of their term of office, the members of the Election Commission (KPU) for the 2012-2017 period officially inaugurate operation room. Operation room is a monitoring room equipped with 34 monitoring screens so that election officers at …

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Three NGOs Receive Bawaslu Award

The Election Monitoring Body (Bawaslu) presents an award to three non-government organizations (NGOs). The Association for Elections and Democracy (Perludem), Network of Voters’ Education for the People (JPPR), and Independent Committee of Election Observers (KIPP) receive the award for their …

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Juri Ardiantoro: This Is Our Last Day in Office

On Monday, April 10th 2017, the Election Commission (KPU) publishes five books on the Performance of KPU Members for the Period of 2012-2017. The books contain report of performance and activities conducted by KPU for the last five years and …

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KPU Members: We Want to Make History

The Election Commission (KPU) just launched five books on their performance during the 2012-2017 term of office. One book contains collection of photos, another book contains report on the Presidential and Legislative Election of 2014, and the other books contains …

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The Government Does Not Need to Increase the Number of KPU Members

During a public discussion titled “Safeguarding Election with Integrity” in Jakarta (04/06), the Executive Director of Populi Center, Usep S. Ahyar, says that the government does not need to increase the number of Election Commission and the Election Monitoring Body …

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Inkonsistensi Putusan Sela Sengketa Hasil Pilkada 2017

Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) mengeluarkan putusan sela sengketa hasil Pilkada 2017 (4/4). Dari 50 permohonan, 40 permohonan tidak dapat diterima. Tujuh pemohon sengketa hasil Pilkada 2017 di Mahkamah Konstitusi (MK) mungkin masih bisa bernapas lega. MK tak mengeluarkan putusan sela tanda …

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Estafet Kemandirian KPU di Tangan Anggota Baru

Pemilihan anggota KPU 2017-2022 oleh Komisi II DPR bak mengulang kisah lama: pemilihan orang-orang yang paling kooperatif pada partai. Wahyu Setiawan (44 tahun), meraih suara terbanyak pemilihan calon anggota Komisi Pemilihan Umum (KPU) 2017—2022 melalui sistem voting oleh Komisi II …

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Bawaslu Baru, Harapan Baru

Anggota Bawaslu 2017—2022 dihuni wajah-wajah baru dengan latar belakang keilmuan yang mumpuni. Calon anggota Badan Pengawas Pemilu (Bawaslu) dipilih Komisi II Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat (DPR) RI melalui mekanisme voting, Rabu (5/4) dini hari. Lima orang dengan suara terbanyak ditetapkan sebagai …

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