October 28, 2024

Seruan Membela Demokrasi

International Institute for Democracy and Electoral Assistance (IDEA) bersama National Endowment for Democracy (Washington, DC) telah mengumpulkan tandatangan dukungan lebih dari 500 pemimpin politik, tokoh masyarakat, peraih hadiah Nobel dan lembaga pro-demokrasi untuk surat terbuka “A Call to Defend Democracy”. Surat seruan ini lahir dari konteks kebebasan negara-negara demokrasi yang terancam oleh pemerintah yang mengatasnamakan krisis pandemi untuk sewenang-wenang berkuasa.

“Demokrasi kini terancam dan mereka yang peduli mesti mengumpulkan keinginannya, kedisiplinannya, dan solidaritasnya untuk membela demokrasi. Kebebasan, kesehatan, dan kehormatan masyarakat di manapun dipertaruhkan,” ujar Sekretaris Jenderal International IDEA, Kevin Casas-Zamora dari Stockholm, Swedia (25/6).

Surat itu bertujuan menumbuhkan kesadaran dan membangkitkan semangat rakyat serta pembuat kebijakan untuk melindungi demokrasi. Sejatinya demokrasi merupakan sistem yang paling efektif untuk menangani krisis global seiring melindungi hak semua warga negara.

Yang terjadi di banyak negara saat ini ancaman demokrasi begitu nyata. Pemerintah menerapkan kebijakan pengabaian hak asasi manusia tanpa kepastian dan batasan hukum. Parlemen mengesampingkan fungsi representasi. Wartawan ditangkap juga dilecehkan. Minoritas dijadikan kambing hitam. Selain itu, sektor-sektor paling rentan dari populasi menghadapi bahaya baru yang mengkhawatirkan saat penguncian ekonomi merusak struktur masyarakat di mana-mana.

Tandatangan dukungan

Para penandatangan surat terbuka “A Call to Defend Democracy” meyakini bahwa, sejatinya demokrasi dengan sifat keterbukaan dan kebebasan merupakan sistem politik yang paling cocok menyikapi pandemi Covid-19. Para penyeru menyakini, banyak individu dan kelompok pendukung nilai-nilai demokrasi ada dalam frekuensi pemahaman yang sama untuk membela demokrasi dari kesewenangan pemerintahan dalam pandemi Covid-19.

Hanya melalui demokrasi masyarakat dapat: 1. Membangun kepercayaan sosial yang memungkinkan mereka untuk bertahan dalam krisis; 2. Independen, termasuk perempuan dan orang muda, dapat diberdayakan untuk bermitra dengan lembaga-lembaga publik; 3. Media bebas memberi informasi untuk membuat keputusan pribadi; 4. Mencapai keseimbangan yang berkelanjutan antara kebutuhan dan prioritas yang bersaing; 5. Melindungi kebebasan individu dari intrusi negara; 6. Sistem pertanggungjawaban publik; 7. Data pemerintah tentang ruang lingkup dan dampak kesehatan dari pandemi dapat dipercaya.

Keyakinan dan bukti dari demokrasi itu diharapkan bisa lahirkan solidaritas dan dukungan yang lebih luas untuk mempertahankan demokrasi oleh individu dan kelompok di masing-masing negara. Untuk sebagian negara yang mengalami kesewenangan pemerintahan di tengah pandemi Covid-19, dukungan masyarakat internasional amatlah berarti untuk mengubah keadaan menjadi lebih demokratis.

“Demonstrasi solidaritas global yang baru pertama kali terjadi ini adalah sebuah tanda bahwa demokrasi dapat bertahan walaupun terancam,” kata Carl Gershman, Presiden National Endowment for Democracy dan salah seorang penandatangan.

Berikut nama-nama lembaga yang menjadi bagian dari seruan tandatangan dukungan “A Call to Defend Democracy”:

1 African Movement for Democracy 38 Olof Palme International Center
2 African Network of Constitutional Lawyers (ANCL) 39 Parliamentary Center of Canada
3 Alinaza Universitaria Nicaraguense (AUN) 40 PAX for Peace International
4 Al-Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center 41 PEN America
5 Alliance of Democracies Foundation 42 Political Parties of Finland for Democracy – Demo Finland
6 Asia Democracy Network 43 Prague Civil Society Centre
7 Asian Network For Free Elections (ANFREL) 44 Program on Democratic Resilience and Development, IDC Herzliya
8 Association Béninoise de Droit Constitutionnel (ABDC) 45 Raoul Wallenberg Centre for Human Rights
9 Association for Participatory Democracy (ADEPT) 46 Red Latinoamericana y del Caribe por la Democracia (REDLAD)
10 Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE) 47 Solidarity Center
11 Christian Democratic International Center 48 Swedish International Liberal Center (SILC)
12 Coalition for Dialogue in Africa (CODA) 49 Taiwan Foundation for Democracy
13 Colectivo Ciudadano Ecuador 50 The Carter Center
14 Council for Global Equality 51 The Center Party’s International Foundation (CIS)
15 Council for the Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA) 52 The Electoral Institute for Sustainable Democracy in Africa (EISA)
16 Democracy International 53 The Foreign Policy Centre
17 Democracy Reporting International (DRI) 54 The George W. Bush Institute
18 European Endowment for Democracy 55 The Inter American Institute of Human Rights (IIDH)
19 European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP) 56 The International Democrat Union (IDU)
20 European Partnership for Democracy 57 The International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES)
21 Forum 2000 58 The International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Organization
22 Freedom House 59 The Jarl Hjalmarson Foundation
23 Fundación Nuevas Generaciones 60 The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS)
24 Fundación Paraguaya de Cooperación y Desarrollo 61 The McCain Institute for International Leadership
25 Fundación Salvadoreña para el Desarrollo Económico y Social (FUSADES) 62 The Nadav Foundation
26 Human Rights Campaign 63 The Oslo Center
27 Human Rights House Foundation 64 The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, Sida
28 Institute for Democratic Governance 65 Transparency International
29 Instituto Venezolano de Estudios Sociales y Políticos (INVESP) 66 Unión de Partidos Latinoamericanos (UPLA)
30 International Center for Not-for-Profit Law (ICNL) 67 V-Dem Institute
31 International IDEA 68 West Africa Centre for Democracy and Development
32 International Republican Institute 69 West Africa Civil Society Institute
33 JuventudLAC 70 Westminster Foundation for Democracy
34 Migrant Forum in Asia (MFA) 71 World Movement for Democracy
35 National Democratic Institute 72 World Uyghur Congress
36 National Endowment for Democracy 73 World Youth Movement for Democracy
37 Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD)


Dan berikut nama-nama tokoh demokrasi yang menjadi bagian dari seruan tandatangan dukungan “A Call to Defend Democracy”:

1 ABAT NINET Antoni Professor of Constitutional Law, the University of Copenhagen Denmark
2 ABENTE BRUN Diego Former Senator and Minister of Justice and Labor of Paraguay Paraguay
3 ABIOLA Rinsola Advocate for gender equity and youth inclusion in politics; Member of the Board of Directors of Young Women in Politics Forum Nigeria
4 ADOMENAS Mantas Member of the Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania Lithuania
5 ADRIAN Tamara Member of National Assembly of Venezuela Venezuela
6 AFLECAILOR Alina Human Rights Educator, Greenpeace Romania Romania
7 AGUAYO Sergio Professor, Colegio de Mexico, Visiting Scientist, Harvard University Mexico
8 ALAM Shahidul Photojournalist and social activist Bangladesh
9 AL-BAHADLI Fatima Executive Director, the Iraqi al-Firdaws Society Iraq
10 ALBANEZ DE ESCOBAR Ana Vilma Former Vice President of El Salvador El Salvador
11 ALBRIGHT Madeleine Former United States Secretary of State USA
12 ALEXIEVICH Svetlana Nobel Laureate in Literature Belarus
13 ALIEVA Leila President, Center for National and International Studies Azerbaijan
14 AL-JARBA Abdalaziz Younis Chairman, Al-Tahreer Association for Development Iraq
15 ALMAGRO Luis Secretary-General, Organization of American States Uruguay
16 ALONSO Laura Former Member of Chamber of Deputies; Former Executive Director, Poder Ciudadano; Former Head of Argentine Anti-Corruption Office Argentina
17 AL-RANTAWI Oraib General Director, Al Quds Center for Political Studies Jordan
18 ALTMANN Josette Secretary-General, FLACSO Costa Rica
19 ANGGRAINI Titi Executive Director, Perludem Indonesia
20 ANSARI Mohammad Hamid Former Vice President of India; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation; Former Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations India
21 ANTHOLIS William J. Director, the Miller Center for Public Affairs at the University of Virginia USA
22 ARIAS SANCHEZ Oscar Nobel Peace Laureate; Founder, Grameen Bank Costa Rica
23 ARTEAGA SERRANO Rosalía Former President of Ecuador Ecuador
24 ASSIRI Yahya Founder, ALQST Saudi Arabia
25 ATKINSON Rick Journalist USA
26 ATWOOD Brian Former USAID Administrator USA
27 AVINERI Shlomo Professor, the Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Member of the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities Israel
28 AXWORTHY Lloyd Former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Chair, World Refugee Council Canada
29 AYOTTE Kelly Former United States Senator; Board Member, International Republican Institute USA
30 BALCEROWICZ Leszek Former Deputy Prime Minister of Poland and Minister of Finance Poland
31 BALKENENDE Jan Peter Former Prime Minister of the Netherlands Netherlands
32 BAREIRO Line Founder, Centro de Documentación y Estudios (CDE-Paraguay); Former Member, the United Nations Committee for the Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW) Paraguay
33 BATHILY Abdoulaye Former Member and Deputy Speaker of the National Assembly of Senegal; Former United Nations Under-Secretary General Senegal
34 BAYARAA Sanjaasuren Special Advisor, the Zorig Foundation; Former Ambassador of Mongolia to India Mongolia
35 BELL Christine Founder and Director, Global Justice Academy; Professor of Constitutional Law and Assistant Principal, University of Edinburgh Ireland
36 BELLAMY Carol Former Executive Director, UNICEF USA
37 BENABDALLAOUI Mokhtar Professor of Islamic Studies, Hassan II University Morocco
38 BERMAN Howard Former U.S. Member of Congress USA
39 BERNARD Antoine Deputy Director General, Rapporteurs Sans Frontier (RSF) France
40 BERNSTEIN Tom Chair, the Human Freedom Advisory Council of the George W. Bush Presidential Center USA
41 BERSCHINSKI Rob Senior Vice President for Policy, Human Rights First USA
42 BIALIATSKI Ales Founder, The Human Rights Center “Viasna” Belarus
43 BILDT Carl Former Prime Minister of Sweden Sweden
44 BIRKAVS Valdis Former Prime Minister of Latvia Latvia
45 BISERKO Sonja Chair, the Helsinki Committee for Human Rights Serbia
46 BITAR Sergio President, the Chilean Council for Strategy and Foresight Chile
47 BLAIR Dennis C. Admiral; Former United States Director of National Intelligence USA
48 BOADI E. Gyimah Executive Director, AfroBarometer Ghana
49 BODNAR Adam Commissioner for Human Rights of Poland Poland
50 BOLAÑOS GEYE Enrique José Former President of Nicaragua Nicaragua
51 BONDEVIK Kjell Magne Former Prime Minister of Norway; Founder and Executive Chair, the Oslo Center Norway
52 BONGIOVANNI Gerardo President, Fundacion Libertad Argentina
53 BONIADI Nazanin Artist; Board Member, the Center for Human Rights in Iran Iran
54 BOROUMAND Ladan Co-founder, Abdorrahman Boroumand Foundation for the Promotion of Human Rights and Democracy in Iran Iran
55 BÖRZEL Tanja A. Professor of Political Science, Freie University, Berlin Germany
56 BOTERO Catalina Dean, the Law School of the University of Los Andes, Bogotá; Former Special Rapporteur for Freedom of Expression, Inter American Commission of Human Rights (IACHR) Colombia
57 BOZKURT Emine Former Member of the European Parliament Netherlands
58 BRAUCHLI Marcus Former Editor, Washington Post and Wall Street Journal USA
59 BRINKHORST Laurens Jan Former Deputy Prime Minister of the Netherlands Netherlands
60 BRITO Joel Executive Director, the International Group for Corporate Social Responsibility in Cuba Cuba
61 BRKAN Darko President, CA Why Not Bosnia & Herzegovina
62 BROK Elmar Former Member of the European Parliament; Former Chairman, the European Parliament Foreign Affairs Committee Germany
63 BRUTON John Former Prime Minister of Ireland; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation; Former EU Ambassador to the United States Ireland
64 BUCHANAN Vern Member of the United States House of Representatives for Florida USA
65 BULLRICH Patricia Former Minister of Security of Argentina Argentina
66 BUMMEL Andreas Executive Director, Democracy Without Borders Germany
67 BUQUICCHIO Gianni President, Venice Commission for Democracy Italy
68 BURNS William J. Former United States Deputy Secretary of State USA
69 BUSH Jeb Former Governor of Florida USA
70 BUTORA Martin Honorary Chairman, Institute for Public Affairs Slovakia
71 BUZEK Jerzy Member of the European Parliament and Former Prime Minister of Poland Poland
72 CALMY-REY Micheline Former President of the Swiss Confederation; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation; Former President of the Council of Europe Switzerland
73 CANTÓN Santiago Secretary of Human Rights for the Province of Buenos Aires Argentina
74 CARD Andrew Chairman, the National Endowment for Democracy USA
75 CARDOSO Fernando Henrique Former President of Brazil Brazil
76 CAROTHERS Thomas Senior Fellow, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace USA
77 CARROLL Sean President and CEO, Anera and Advisor, the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid USA
78 CARSON Johnnie Former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs USA
79 CASANOVA Jean-Claude Former President, Fondation Nationale des Sciences Politiques France
80 CASTAÑEDA Jorge Former Secretary of Foreign Affairs of Mexico Mexico
81 CASTELLANOS Julieta Former Rector of Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras Honduras
82 CAXTON Ateki Seta Chair, African Movement for Democracy Cameroon
83 ÇETIN Hikmet Former Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Turkey; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation; Former NATO Senior Civilian Representative in Afghanistan Turkey
84 CHACHAVA Ketevan Executive Director, Center for Development and Democracy Georgia
85 CHALKER Lynda Baroness; Former Minister of State at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office; Founding Member, the Global Leadership Foundation; Founder and President, Africa Matters Limited United Kingdom
86 CHAMORRO Carlos Fernando Editor, Confidencial Nicaragua
87 CHAMORRO Cristiana Founder, the Violeta Chamorro Foundation Nicaragua
88 CHANGACHIRERE Glanis Founding Director, Institute for Young Women Development Zimbabwe
89 CHERTOFF Michael Former Second United States Secretary of Homeland Security; Chairman, Freedom House USA
90 CHINCHILLA Laura Former President of Costa Rica Costa Rica
91 CHISSANO Joaquim Alberto Former President of the Republic of Mozambique; Chairperson, the Joaquim Chissano Foundation Mozambique
92 CHUKWUMA Innocent Founder, the Center for Law Enforcement Education Nigeria
93 CLARK Charles Joseph Former Prime Minister of Canada; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation Canada
94 CLARK Helen Former Prime Minister of New Zealand; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation; Former Deputy Prime Minister; Former Administrator of the UNDP New Zealand
95 COOMARASWAMY Radhika Former Under Secretary General and the Special Representative of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict Sri Lanka
96 CORKE Susan Executive Director, Transatlantic Democracy Working Group, German Marshall Fund USA
97 COUCHEPIN Pascal Former President of the Swiss Confederation; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation; Former President of the Ministerial Assembly of the World Trade Organisation Switzerland
98 CRNJANSKI Vukosava Director, Center for Research, Transparency and Accountability Serbia
99 CROCKER Chester A. Former Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation USA
100 CSEH Katka Member of the European Parliament; Co-founder, Momentum Movement Hungary
101 CYRILLE TOURÉ (AKA THIAT) Cheikh Oumar Co-founder of Y’en a Marre Senegal
102 DALY Tom Gerald Director, Democratic Decay & Renewal (DEM-DEC) Australia
103 DAMMERT Lucia Professor, University of Santiago of Chile Peru
104 DAN Wang Founder and Executive Director, Dialogue China China
105 DANBY Michael Former Member of Parliament; Chair, the Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Australia
106 DARMANOVIC Srdjan Minister of Foreign Affairs and European Integration of Montenegro Montenegro
107 DARUSMAN Marzuki Former Attorney General of Indonesia and Member of the House of Representatives; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation Indonesia
108 DASCHLE Thomas Former United States Senate Majority Leader USA
109 DAVIDSON Charles Co-founder, The American Interest USA
110 DE BETHUNE Sabine Baroness and Member of the Senate of Belgium Belgium
111 DE KLERK F.W. Nobel Peace Laureate and Former President of South Africa; Founder, the Global Leadership Foundation South Africa
112 DE LA CALLE Humberto Former Vice President of Colombia Colombia
113 DE LA FUENTE Gloria President, Fundacion Chile 21 Chile
114 DE RIZ Liliana Professor, Centro para la Apertura y el Desarrollo Argentina
115 DE SILVA Ravindra Co-founder and Executive Director, AFRIEL Youth Network Sri Lanka
116 DEAN Howard Former Governor of Vermont; Chair, DNC USA
117 DEBEUF Koert Writer and Editor in Chief, EUobserver Belgium
118 DEIBERT Ronald Director, Citizen Lab at the University of Toronto Canada
119 DEO Neelam Director, Gateway House Mumbai India
120 DIAMOND Larry Senior Fellow, Stanford University Hoover Institution & Freeman Spogli Institute USA
121 DIJSSELBLOEM Jeroen Former Minister of Finance of the Netherlands; Former President, Eurogroup Netherlands
122 DJAKUPOVA Cholpon Idinovna Former Member of Parliament Kyrgyzstan
123 DOBREV Klara Vice President of the European Parliament Hungary
124 DONAHOE Eileen Executive Director, Stanford Global Digital Policy Incubator USA
125 DONGFANG Han Executive Director, China Labor Bulletin China
126 DUNNE Michele Director, Middle East Program, the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace USA
127 ĐURIĆ Ivan Coordinator, the World Youth Movement for Democracy Serbia
128 DUTKIEWICZ Rafal Former Mayor of Wroclaw Poland
129 DUTOUR Nassera President, Federation Against Enforced Disappearances (FEMED) Algeria
130 EBADI Shirin Nobel Peace Laureate; Founder, Defenders of Human Rights Center in Iran Iran
131 EDELMAN Eric Former United States Under Secretary of Defense for Policy USA
132 EISEN Norman Senior Fellow, the Brookings Institution USA
133 EJIGU Bilen Asrat Executive Director, Ethiopian Civil Society Organizations Forum Ethiopia
134 ENGESLAND Bjørn Secretary-General, Norwegian Helsinki Committee Norway
135 EOSEEWONG Nidhi Historian and Recipient of the Fukuoka Asian Cultural Prize Thailand
136 ERTÜRK Yakin Former United Nations Special Rapporteur on Violence Against Women Turkey
137 ESCOBAR MEJIA Claudia Former Judge, Legal Specialist on Anti-corruption Policies Guatemala
138 ESPADA Joao Carlos Director, the Institute of Political Studies, Catholic University of Lisbon Portugal
139 ESPINAL Rosario Professor, College of Liberal Arts, Department of Sociology, Temple University Dominican Republic
140 EVANS Gareth Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Australia and Leader of the Government in the Senate; President Emeritus, the International Crisis Group; Former Dean of Australian National University Australia
141 EVGENIDZE Nino Executive Director, Economic Policy Research Center Georgia
142 FAHRENKOPF Frank J. Founding Member, the International Republican Institute; Co-chair, the Commission on the Presidential Debates USA
143 FAROUK Ahmad Founder and Director, the Islamic Renaissance Front (IFR) Malaysia
144 FEINSTEIN Lee Former Ambassador to Poland USA
145 FELTMAN Jeffrey Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs USA
146 FERGUSON Niall Historian and Milbank Family Senior Fellow, the Hoover Institution at Stanford University USA
147 FERNÁNDEZ Leonel Former President of the Dominican Republic; President, the World Federation of United Nations Associations Dominican Republic
148 FISCHER Jan Former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic Czech Republic
149 FISHERE Ezzedine Choukri Writer and Academic Egypt
150 FONTAINE Richard CEO, Center for a New American Security (CNAS) USA
151 FRANCO GÓMEZ Federico Former President of Paraguay Paraguay
152 FRANSSEN Cindy Member of the European Parliament Belgium
153 FRÉCHETTE Louise Former Deputy Secretary-General of the United Nations; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation Canada
154 FREIDENBERG Flavia Professor, the Institute of Legal Research of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) Argentina
155 FÜCKS Ralf Former Deputy Mayor and Senator for Urban Development and Environmental Protection; Founder, Zentrum Liberale Moderne Germany
156 FUKUYAMA Francis Director, the Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law, Stanford University USA
157 FUNABASHI Yoichi Chairman, Asia Pacific Initiative; Award Winning Journalist and Author Japan
158 FUSSNER Chris Assistant Chairman, International Democratic Union; Board Member, International Republican Institute USA
159 GABEL Chelsea Chair, Indigenous Well-Being, Community Engagement and Innovation Research Canada Canada
160 GALSTON William A. Senior Fellow, the Brookings Institution USA
161 GARCÉ Adolfo Professor, the Political Science Institute, Universidad de la República in Montevideo Uruguay
162 GARTON ASH Timothy Professor of European Studies, Oxford University and Senior Fellow, the Hoover Institution, Stanford University United Kingdom
163 GASCON Chito Chairperson, Commission on Human Rights Philippines
164 GATSHA Dumiso Founder, Success Capital Organisation Botswana
165 GAVIRIA Cesar Former President of Colombia Colombia
166 GBOWEE Leymah R. Nobel Peace Laureate and Former President of Costa Rica Liberia
167 GEDMIN Jeffrey Editor-in-Chief and CEO, The American Interest USA
168 GEJDENSON Sam Former Congressman USA
169 GEPHARDT Richard Former House Majority Leader; Former Chairman, NED USA
170 GERE Richard Founder, the Gere Foundation; Chairman, The International Campaign for Tibet USA
171 GHALI Amine Director, Al Kawakibi Democracy Transition Center Tunisia
172 GIGAURI Eka Executive Director, Transparency International Georgia Georgia
173 GIL Laura Journalist and Director, Dialogos and Estrategias Colombia
174 GÍSLADÓTTIR Ingibjörg Sólrún Director, the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iceland Iceland
175 GOMES Ana Former Member of the European Parliament Portugal
176 GONZI Lawrence Former Prime Minister of Malta; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation Malta
177 GOODMAN Nicole Director, the Centre for e-Democracy; Associate Professor, Brock University Canada
178 GORRITI Gustavo Journalist and Director, IDL-Reporter Peru
179 GOZMAN Leonid President, Union of Right Forces (SPS) Russia
180 GREEN Mark Executive Director, McCain Institute for International Leadership USA
181 GREEN Mike Former Senior Director, National Security Council USA
182 GUDZIAK Borys President, the Ukrainian Catholic University Ukraine
183 GUÉHENNO Jean-Marie Former United Nations Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations France
184 GUSENBAUER Alfred Former Federal Chancellor of the Republic of Austria Austria
185 H.R. MCMASTER Former United States National Security Advisor; Senior Fellow, the Hoover Institution, Stanford University; Member of Board of Directors, the Atlantic Council USA
186 HABIB Adam Vice-Chancellor and Principal, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg South Africa
187 HALVORSSEN Thor President, the Oslo Freedom Forum Norway
188 HAMADA Maxine Tanya Corporate Secretary, iLEAD Philippines
189 HAMATI Juela President, European Democracy Youth Network Albania
190 HAMZAWY Amr Former Member of the People’s Assembly of Egypt; Senior research scholar, the Center for Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law at Stanford University Egypt
191 HAN Sung-Joo Former Minister of Foreign Affairs; Chairman, Asan Institute for Policy Studies Republic of Korea
192 HANNIG NUNEZ Sascha Journalist; Author; Researcher, Fundacion Para el Progreso Chile
193 HAQQANI Husain Director, South and Central Asia, The Hudson Institute; Former Ambassador to the United States Pakistan
194 HARASZTI Miklos Former OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media; Resident Fellow, Center for Media, Central European University Hungary
195 HARDH Robert Member, Steering Committee of the World Movement for Democracy Sweden
196 HARPER Stephen Former Prime Minister of Canada Canada
197 HART Gary Former United States Senator USA
198 HARUTYUNYAN Haykuhi Chairperson, Corruption Prevention Commission Armenia
199 HARYMURTI Bambang Former CEO and Editor in Chief, Tempo Magazine Indonesia
200 HASSAN Bahey Director, the Cairo Institute for Human Rights Studies; Human rights advocate Egypt
201 HAUTALA Heidi Vice President of the European Parliament; Former Minister of International Development of Finland Finland
202 HAVEL Ivan Miloš Researcher and Former Director of the Center for Theoretical Studies Czech Republic
203 HELGESEN Vidar Former Secretary-General, International IDEA Norway
204 HEYZER Noeleen Former Under-Secretary-General of the United Nations; Advisor, the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid ; Former United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Adviser for Timor-Leste Singapore
205 HIJAZI Aya Founder, Belady foundation for Street Children Egypt
206 HOFF Rachel Policy Director, Ronald Reagan Institute USA
207 HOJSIK Martin Member of the European Parliament Slovakia
208 HOLE Theodore Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Benin; Former President of the Constitutional Court Benin
209 HOLLAND Agnieszka Film Director Poland
210 HŘIB Zdeněk Mayor of Prague Czech Republic
211 HURTADO Osvaldo Former President of Ecuador Ecuador
212 HWANGBO Seung-hee Member of National Assembly of the Republic of Korea Republic of Korea
213 IBRAHIM Dato Seri Anwar President of Parti Keadilan Rakyat (People’s Justice Party), Parliament Malaysia
214 IBRAHIM Jibrin Senior Fellow, Center for Democracy and Development Abuja Nigeria
215 ICHIHARA Maiko Associate Professor of International Relations, Hitotsubashi University Japan
216 IGLESIAS Hasler Youth Coordinator, Voluntad Popular Venezuela
217 ILVES Toomas Henrik Former President of Estonia Estonia
218 INSULZA Jose Miguel Member of the Senate of the Republic of Chile; Former Secretary-General, the Organization of American States Chile
219 ISAKOVNA OTUNBAYEVA Roza Former President of Kyrgyzstan Kyrgyzstan
220 ISMAIL Gulalai Founder and Chairperson, Aware Girl Pakistan
221 ISMAYILOVA Khadija Former Political Prisoner and Investigative Journalist Azerbaijan
222 ITODO Samson Executive Director, YIAGA and Initiator of the Not Too Young to Run campaign Nigeria
223 JAHANBEGLOO Ramin Director, Mahatma Gandhi Centre for Peace, Jindal Global University Iran
224 JAHJAGA Atifete Former President of Kosovo Kosovo
225 JARQUÍN Edmundo Former Member of the National Assembly of the Republic of Nicaragua; Former Presidential and Vice Presidential Candidate of Nicaragua; Member, the Global Leadership Foundation Nicaragua
226 JARWOLO Eddie D. Executive Director, Naymote Partners for Democratic Development Liberia
227 JI Seong-ho Member of National Assembly of the Republic of Korea and North Korean defector Republic of Korea
228 JIANLI Yang Founder and President, Citizen Power Initiatives for China China
229 JOHN SHATTUCK John Former Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; President Emeritus, the Central European University USA
230 JONES Jerry Vice President and Chief Legal Officer, ACXIOM; Advisor, the World Leadership Alliance-Club de Madrid USA
231 JOON Oh Former South Korean Ambassador to the United Nations Republic of Korea
232 JOSIPOVIC Ivo Former President of Croatia Croatia
233 KALJURAND Marina Member of the European Parliament; Former Minister of Foreign Affairs of Estonia Estonia
234 KANDIĆ Natasa Founder, Humanitarian Law Center Serbia
235 KARA-MURZA Vladimir Chairman, Boris Nemtsov Foundation for Freedom Russia
236 KARLSON Nils President and CEO, the The Ratio Institute Sweden
237 KARMAN Tawakkol Nobel Peace Laureate; Founder, Women Journalists Without Chains Yemen
238 KASPAROV Garry Chairman, Renew Democracy Initiative (RDI); Chairman, the Human Rights Foundation; Former World Chess Champion, Writer, and Political Activist Russia
239 KASSEM Hisham Political Commentator and Former Chairman, the Egyptian Organization for Human Rights Egypt
240 KEUM Tae-Sup Ranking Member of the Legislation and Judiciary Committee of the National Assembly Republic of Korea
241 KHAN Zafarullah CEO, Civic Concerns Pakistan
242 KHODORKOVSKY Mikhail Former Political Prisoner and Opposition Leader Russia
243 KINGSLEY Jean-Pierre Former Chief Electoral Officer of Elections Canada Canada
244 KITENGE Dismas President, LOTUS Group Republic of Congo
245 KIU Arnold Chung Chin Founding Member, Demosisto Hong-Kong
246 KODMANI Bassma Former Executive Director, the Arab Reform Initiative Syria
247 KOLBE Jim Former Congressman; Senior Transatlantic Fellow, German Marshall Fund of the United States;  Board Member, International Republican Institute USA
248 KOROMA Ernest Bai Former President of Sierra Leone Sierra Leone
249 KOVACEVIC Milica President, Center for Democratic Transision Montenegro
250 KRAMER David J. Former United States Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor; Senior Fellow, Vaclav Havel Program on Human Rights and Diplomacy, Florida International University;

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